From Tokyo to Bristol: DSRS welcomes James Neve!

Today we were delighted to welcome Mr James Neve on board, who has been awarded with a prestigious DTP scholarship (Doctoral Training Partnership) by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) to start his PhD studies at the University of Bristol. Under the supervision of Ivan Palomares Carrascosa, James will concentrate his research on Reciprocal Recommender Systemsrecsys approaches to recommend users to each other instead of recommending items to users. Online dating is one of the several related application domains of reciprocal recommendation approaches (along with making friends, job recruitment, etc.), which James investigated and worked on as part of his previous role of Principal R&D Engineer in Eureka Inc. TokyoJapan. The Japanese dating application Pairs, along as an underlying system to detect dubious users in such applications, are part of his pre-PhD work, which he will continue to actively investigate within the frame of a very interesting PhD project!

It is noteworthy that, prior to his official PhD start date, James has already recently participated in the IEEE SMC 2018 conference held in Miyazaki, Japan, where he presented his latest developments and research findings as an accepted full paper.

Here are some pictures of this participation in the IEEE SMC 2018 conference two weeks ago.

And finally, the traditional “growing family picture” with our new DSRS team mate!

On behalf of Ercan, Binyamin and Ivan, welcome on board James 🙂

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